Tears rolled down her cheeks that Sunday morning as she recounted her story in a church at Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. She married at age 38 in 2003 and had the baby she was clutching to show as evidence of the faithfulness of God.
As in the case of the man who was sick for 38 years till he met Jesus in John 5: 5-9, this woman had to cope with the pain of being treated by many as a ?hopeless case? and later overcame the scare of almost losing the baby.
?God is not a man that He should lie?Hath He said and shall He not do it?? ? Numbers 23:19. (KJV)
Your testimony is unfolding.
Let the Son shine in your heart daily
By, Nosa Owens-Ibie
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Sent Thursday June 17 & Friday June 18, 2004
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